Sunday, January 2, 2011

It's all turning grey...

This year has been a series of ups and downs. I think most years are like that. I can think of only a few where all good things happen. But mostly they are tinged with things like oh that was the year my dog died, or that my grandfather died... Even years that were good, like the year we got engaged is also marred with it being the year I got in an accident and totaled his car. So of all the good and the bad - most I'm not mentioning on here... One of the minor things was this is the year I got my first grey hair. This was made equally bad that a month or so later a twin grey hair popped up directly across from it's sibling. Not to mention, they both were smack dab in the middle of my head.

Now I take a certain pride in the fact that I don't color my hair. Everyone colors their hair and aside from a perm back in the 80's and two dye jobs (the 2nd to correct a late night bored college Wednesday) my hair is treatment free. I've never found a color (aside from C's auburn hue) that I like more than my dark brown. It's natural highlights of red and blond are prettier than anything that I've been able to achieve from a bottle. Besides do you know what kind of upkeep it takes to dye dark colored hair? I felt like roots were instantaneous.

The problem is grey hair threatens my dye free hair. And starts to beckon in a time where I'll spend hours and money trying to achieve the color I was born with and that is quickly slipping away. I guess it could be worse my whole head could be turning grey. But these two grey hairs bug me. I was drying my hair this morning and the one popped up (they are always short for some reason as if aside from being grey that can't grow in straight and long like the rest of my hair but instead have a slight curl to them and grow no more than 5 inches before stopping there like a tiny grey string). It seems to glisten in the mirror, waving slightly, like remember me? Did you forget I was still here? If I'm feeling particular angry about it or just sick of having to change up my part - I take a bottle of mascara - rub it between my fingers and attack the two strands until they are a nice shade of black (and plump too).

The thing with grey hair means I'm getting older. It's only a matter of time that I stop getting carded at bars or people start calling me ma'am in places other than the south where everyone over the age of five is a ma'am. Grey hair seemed to signify - remember you're not quite as young as you'd like to continue to believe you are. And I feel adulthood quickly sucking up any remainder of time I can call myself a young adult. So while I can't do much to ward off future grey hair (maybe keep my stress levels down - I don't know?) - I've decided to be more aggressive with my other anti-aging routines for the new year. Starting next week (because there's nothing better than procrastinating), I'm going to remember to slather my face and neck and hands twice a day (instead of once when I'm not too tired or too late) with all the anti-aging treatments I had to have last month. And the grey hairs - luckily I read something about metallic extensions being in - maybe instead of gold I'll say mine are silver? :)

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